March 13, 2024

PIPRA goes JAPAN, Oct 2022

The Embassy of Switzerland in Japan and Swissnex invited PIPRA to visit Japan in November, enabling us to see how best PIPRA's first SaaS product would fit into the Japanese healthcare system. This product uses AI to help identify the risk of postoperative delirium in patients over 65 years of age.

John Klepper's trip began with a pitch at CIC Tokyo, together with the innovative #startups Resistell, TwentyGreen AG, Cytosurge AG, Kralys · Digital Health Solutions, BigOmics Analytics, Synple Chem, machineMD and Netsensing Technology, organised by the Switzerland Global Enterprise, Embassy of Switzerland in Japan and CIC Tokyo.

This was fantastic opportunity for PIPRA AG to get a glimpse into Japan's culture and John’s trip continued at the BIO JAPAN Fair in Fukushima, organised by Swissnex, Carlos Correa in cooperation with Innosuisse.

Next, a visit to the Luncheon seminar Critical Care Nursing DX “Visualization of Sleep", 24th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Emergency Nursing, supported by PARAMOUNT BED USA Corporation, Genta Okubo.

Healthy Ageing is a huge topic in Japan that resonated with PIPRA's vision to make sure patients leave the hospital healthier than when they arrive!

"25 % of Japan’s Population is over 65 and is expected to climb to 40 % by 2060"World Economic Forum

Finally, while in Japan, John was invited to speak at the Tokyo American Club at their annual Heads, Hands & Hearts for Age-Tech conference supported by Kyoko Suzuki Marumo from Vitality Swiss.

PIPRA is very thankful for the opportunity to visit Japan and would like to thank everyone who made this trip such an insightful experience!

Our visit confirmed that the Japanese market presents many opportunities and we now have more insights, connections and learnings that can help guide us when we look to expand into this market.