March 13, 2024

PIPRA is looking for Collaborators

We are seeking partnerships to develop and apply new digital health technologies to delirium.

We are seeking to partner with :

·        Anyone interested in delirium

·        To develop and apply effective digital solutions, wearable devices, biosensor technologies to delirium

·        Solutions around patient engagement, soft interventions including prehabilitation, patient empowerment, involvement of family/ relatives, carers

We would make a significant contribution to a partner that has a technology or platform and is still seeking a clinical application

·        Make assessments quicker

·        Be easier to integrate into the healthcare pathway

·        Allow early clinical intervention and personalized management of patients

·        Greatly improve long-term health, economic and social outcomes

Our expertise: 

·        Impactful & highly fundable unmet need (delirium)

·        Experienced grant writing

·        Route to commercialization - access to hospitals & KOLs, clinical trial experience